The importance of a good product survey cannot be underestimated in the innovation process. You’ve already developed an understanding of your customer environment and goals (through jobs, outcomes, constraints, issues and existing solutions). You’ve generated concepts that address the innovation hotspots and through refinement and development you’ve got a shortlist of product solutions for the market.
You’d be a fool to ignore the customer input at this stage and rely only on intuition or internal feedback to determine what product(s) makes the final cut. Find out what your customers think of your shortlisted products. Don’t make the mistake of not carrying out a survey.
The best way to get balanced feedback quickly from your customers is to ask through an online survey. Surveys get to the pulse of your customers by revealing their satisfaction levels and preferences. What quicker way is there to gauge customer needs and respond to their requirements? Whether you are discovering their preferred product, evaluating their desire for particular product attributes or ascertaining their budget, conducting a customer product survey is easier than you think.
We regularly conduct customer surveys at Mindsheet, so we’ve put together a report, “5 Simple Steps to Conduct Your Own Product Survey” to help you send out your own effective surveys in no time at all. But before I arm you with our invaluable guide, what better way to illustrate how we do it than to get you to complete one of our own surveys online.
Click on the link to take part in our survey and receive your free copy of “5 Simple Steps to Conduct Your Own Product Survey”.
I’ve set up a simple, short (60 second) survey, to find out what products you are looking for and ensure we develop the best solutions for you.
Just click on the link to our survey and on completion you’ll receive your copy of “5 Simple Steps to Conduct Your Own Product Survey”. Our guide contains hints and tips to get you engaging with your target customers to get the feedback you need. In addition you get a sample survey and we tell you how to do your own — quickly and simply using FREE software!
If you have a friend who you think will benefit from our report, please forward this page onto them.
Thanks in advance for sparing a few minutes of your time.
Raglan Tribe